Install SSL on Bitnami LAMP installed Lightsail

 For HTTPS, you need a working domain pointing to your server's IP. 

To launch the Bitnami HTTPS Configuration Tool, execute the following command and follow the prompts:

sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool

After running the above command in the terminal. You can see the HTTPS configuration tool is asking for the domains which are pointing to this server. 

I will enter my main domain which is "".

After entering only the main domain, the HTTPS configuration tool is asking me to include  "" in the domain list for https if I need. 

I will enter "Y" and include it. Now I'm expecting HTTPS for  "seagames100k.comand "".

After the domains selection, the HTTPS configuration tool is asking me for the redirection of HTTP to HTTPS. This means should the server auto redirect to, if some try to access the website through 

I will enter "Y" because this is very good feature.

The next question is should the server auto redirect non-www to www? This means if someone enter then it should redirect to or not. 

I like this feature so, I will say enter "Y".

Now this is the opposite question. It says, should the server auto redirect www to non-www? You should choose one as per your requirement. So, this time I will choose "N". because I want all my traffic goto

And now the HTTPS configuration tool will show you all the changes which will be done by the tool itself. You just need to agree with the changes.

HTTPS configuration tool is using Let's Encrypt for generating the SSL certificate. And Let's encrypt need your valid email address. So, enter it.

The last thing is to agree with the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement. So, enter "Y" to agree and proceed.

Thats it.

Now HTTPs configuration tool will take a while to enable HTTPS for as per your above requirements.



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